Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Assignment 1 - equus

Light...a way to bring brightness into the life of one who seeks it...and dark...mysterious and has the ability to intrude and surround ones life. Together, light and dark create an environment of hope, yet fear, an environment of peace, yet violence. This is what surrounds one as they tread through this environment.

The path one takes through the design is a directed one held by the environment which surrounds it. From drawing the interest of peace and the lifeless darkness within...to the layering of these environmental qualities of hope and fear, one finds themselves inside yet outside a wrapping world providing a platform of choice. Platforms where decisions are made to intrude upon a once sterile space or the need for movement from platform to platform.

Darkness is the enclosed space where air is saturated and thin, where openings are narrow and barely penetratable.

Light is free, open to all elements. Free movement in, out and around spaces where only sky is the boundary. To create an environment which controls these strange spaces is like constructing ones mind, to control ones decisions and feelings.

This is exactly what one feels when a part of the environment I have created in each of the deisngs.

Design Variation 1..Floating Planes

A design embracing the feelings Velna expresses through her everyday activity. Her fear of darkness and violence are revealed and challenged. Movement in the design is directed through a core corridoor of darkness occupying unit 7. Light at either end soaks the darkness into light spaces in the building. Open and free spaces where air is clear and the sky is visibly through voids. Piercing through planes are wrapping dividers folding and twisting around one another forming and encasing spaces. Protected inside her environment by these wrapping elements she is also open to light and endless space.

Design Variation 2..Bending Planes

A design floating and encasing a centre oppressive path of darkness where the core movement is manipulated. Entering the submerged level where an abundance of light strikes through to the underpath. Vertical planes fold around edges and wrap to open points. Tight spaces where light strikes through narrow openings where folded planes meet at voids. Open fenestration presenting freedom and light overpowers the dark saturated air bleeding from the core passage. Horziontal planes encase the submerged light spaces tieing them to the dark central passage, creating a captivating experience to face her fears.

Design Variation 1(card)..Floating Planes


The card design resembling variation 1 with exageration of extruded lines where they cut away from the design. Some planes extruding past their original placenad the core passage not touching the ground where a narrow slit of light bleeds under the structure giving it a narrow hover and embeds itself into the contour at either end.

Design Variation 2(card)..Bending Planes


The card design resembling variation 2 also with exageration of extruded lines where they cut away from the design. A narrow void exists where two roof planes meet and cause a negative junction, which provides a slit of light to penetrate the interior environment. This negative junction also holds separate spaces apart and keeps the interios bend and fold floor plan distinct.

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